Fasting on Fruit Juice ~ Day 31

I’ve been a vegan-vegetarian for over 40 years and this year I’m performing a juice fast. I’ve been consuming approx. 90% fruit juice and 10% vegetable juice for over 4 weeks now. But I’ve only just begun! I’m aiming for 90~120 days at least.



~ Polymathius ~ A Compassionate Man of Ahimsa

~ Polymathius ~ A Compassionate Man of Ahimsa


Today, (Day 31:) I enter into the 2nd month of fasting on liquids. I am fasting as an act of gratitude; to acknowledge the bounty and blessings that Gaia, our Mother Earth bestows upon us, moment to moment; and to remind others that we all share a common responsibility to give back to our Mother The Earth and our Natural Environment.


Sustainability requires more than political activism. Sustainability begins at home and at the office, in our factories and our places of worship.

Day 31: I feel alert and energized. I sleep well and wake up early, refreshed and looking forward to a new day. I’ve been consuming 90% fruit juice and 10% vegetable juice for over 4 weeks now.

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Polymathium ~ What is it?

The term Polymathium™ is a word coined* as a compliment to the term polymath.

Wherein polymath is the critical component:
Polymathium is a combination of the words Polymath, Colloquium and Auditorium.


~ Polymathius ~ A Compassionate Man of Ahimsa

~ Polymathius ~ A Compassionate Man of Ahimsa


Polymathium~ a Colloquium for the Polymath in all of us.

The Polymathium…is a place where classically minded people can congregate in cyberspace to discuss the “little things” (as opposed to those”big questions”) that make life worth living… returning to the roots of Philosophy, as it were.A polymath (Greek πολυμαθής, polymathēs, “having learned much”) is a person whose expertise spans a significant number of different subject areas. In less formal terms, a polymath (or polymathic person) may simply be someone who is very knowledgeable. Most ancient scientists were polymaths by today’s standards. 

Famous Polymathes of Ancient Times


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